Leopold Bloom

Caught one of his readings a couple of months back. He read mostly from North (with a few selections from other volumes). Seemed a very warm, avuncular man; introduced every other poem with a silly anecdote or a joke, and in the Q+A afterwards he gave thoughtful responses to thoughtful queries, and treated the more

I didn't really have a problem with individual episodes - which veered from 'pretty good' to 'jesus christ, this is the best show on TV' in terms of quality - but I definitely appreciated it more overall once I found out that the constant repetition was actually headed towards something great.

Justified. "Decoy". All of it, but mostly Bob vs. YOLO. I thought the steam might go out of the season after the Drew Thompson reveal, but those last few episodes were likely the best of the show's run.

Yeah, I never quite bought the argument that Blood Meridian's 'unadaptable'. The characters have no inner voice to speak of, so that's not a problem the way it is with Faulkner, and a shitload of influence from cinematic Westerns is already built into the novel. Main issues would likely be the prose and the graphic

At least he's stopped threatening to adapt Blood Meridian. The world needs hairless, CG-enhanced Judge Franco spouting off about the autonomy of birds even less than it needs Dave Franco as Quentin Compson.

Don't know for sure, but if they don't show us headless Robb then someone will probably ask why the BWB didn't resurrect him instead of Catelyn. Remember Arya's  'can you bring back a man without a head' dialogue with Beric and Thoros?

I can't speak to any broader fan consensus, but most of the other book-readers I know consider the behanding to be the point where he becomes truly interesting. I'd agree. There's an argument to be made that Martin has a better handle on Jaime than he does any other character.

I haven't seen the special, but I caught one of his recent London shows. Material was topically consistent with his other stuff, and no less consistent in terms of quality. He talks about his increased fame a little, which is a reasonably new thing, but he manages to seem genuinely self-effacing about it (unlike, say,

I read the first Twilight book because I felt like I should know something about the thing before despising it (also a girl told me to and I'm a schmuck). While there's nothing good about it, I was kinda dismayed to find that it wasn't particularly worth the hate either. Sure, it's stupid, pandering, wish-fulfilment

FX is splitting into two networks; FX and FXX. I think Sunny and the League are moving over to the other channel so I assume Archer's going there too. I'd call it an unnecessary move but the head of the network seems to be okay with it and, without damning him with faint praise, John Landgraf seems to be the best

I thought this show hit the upper limit of televised dickery with that whole Jonathan Coulton fiasco. Way to defy expectations, Glee!

Huh, my bad. Thinking about it it is a touch odd that a hugely successful band would record a track for some tinpot RPG.

Yeah, plays over the credits. Which you probably didn't sit through on account of it's a video game and you can press a button to not do that.

Florence Welch has form for this. Did a song for Dragon Age II - which has an unreliable narrator thing going on- entitled 'I'm Not Calling You A Liar'. I think she just has to sing about stylistic devices whenever she sees them.

Terrible news. Going to the cinema will be a lesser experience without being able to read his review afterwards. RIP.

Doug Stanhope for me. It would never happen and never work and I want to see it it more than anything.

Seems almost redundant to call any screen adaptation of Ulysses a fool's errand, and Bloom is more or less an impossible part to play. Nonetheless, O'Shea did it roughly as well as it could be done. RIP.

I'm not entirely sure why I'm still watching this when I gave up on better shows like Bored to Death after less than a season, but I like the whole mortality angle, if only because the arbitrary nature of death in TWD is an effective rebuttal to those sweaty fantasising gamer fucks who think a lifetime of consuming

Honestly, though she wasn't as awful as she usually is, I'm kinda disappointed the camera wound up panning to the chair instead of the fish tank.