The Information

THIS is Ceti Alpha First!

Marty, if you really want your movies to be more interactive, go home and get your fuckin' Xbox.

She's also been posting slightly alarming comments to multiple blogs and websites that reviewed the film. Do a Google search for "Feman521" if you want to see what I mean.

I call this, and raise you Julee Cruise's first two albums.

A.O. Scott: "The best part of this movie may be that members of the M.P.A.A. ratings board had to sit through it."

Owl City.

Somebody want to take another whack at this? (Only thirty-seven to go…)

It's so indie that nobody even remembers it, including me, and I was quoted in one of the ads.

Even I'm still not sure whether Blue Velvet is a comedy or not. And it's my favorite American movie of all time.

Somebody call Kyle MacLachlan!

Ooh! I feel like a kid in some kind of a store.

Same here. I actually saw Shoah earlier this year at the Siskel Film Center—an adventure in itself—and the entire time, I was orienting myself in the material using Ebert's review, which I'd read so many times I'd almost internalized it.

As long as I've got my health, and my millions of dollars and my gold house and my rocket car, I don't need anything else.

I like the one he did right before Modern Guilt. I forget what it was called.

His review of The Longest Yard is possibly his most fascinating—it diverges unexpectedly into a very thoughtful consideration of what it means to be a movie critic. I also love his take on Basic Instinct 2: "I cannot recommend the movie, but…why the hell can't I? Just because it's godawful?"

There's a Wocket in my Pocket.

I agree to a point, except to say that Season 5 of 24 really holds up to repeat—or at least second—viewing. The rest of it, not so much.

Ms. Information keeps trying to get me to watch this movie, too. I think she's trying to get back at me for making her watch Apocalypse Now.

Todd has only two "F's" to his name.

They aren't samples—they're session recording soundalikes—which really pissed off my fanatical Beatles friend whenever I played this song at parties.