The Information

Yep, Lynch produced and wrote the lyrics. Cruise's first album, "Floating Into the Night," is basically all like that, and it's pretty great.

Thought Gang
Based on Lynch and Badalamenti's two tracks from the Fire Walk With Me soundtrack ("A Real Indication" and "The Black Dog Runs At Night"), this could end up being pretty cool.

@Joilet Jake: After-words is pretty great. If they had a dollar bin, I'd be in heaven.

Some of my fondest memories of New York are of browsing in the massive Strand dollar bin, outdoors, in the rain. So many good finds. I haven't found anything like that in Chicago yet—any suggestions?

I actually agree. I've always felt that the movie was surprisingly life-affirming, and, as Kael says, liberating—although I might have felt differently if there were anyone but Brando in the lead.

My top five would be "It May Look Like a Walnut," "That's My Boy," "My Husband is Not a Drunk," "Coast to Coast Big Mouth," and"Where Did I Come From?" I'd say that this is the best live-action sitcom of the sixties, and one of the top three or four of all time.

Not gay, Rip. Aristocratic. It's a different culture from ours.

Casablanca is one of my top five movies of all time, but I kind of agree. I'm not a big fan of extended flashbacks in general, even when they involve Bogart and Bergman in Paris. (That said, the first and third acts are as close to perfection as movies get.)

"Doomsday Defense," like a classic Simpsons episode, definitely needs to be seen more than once—it's easily the densest thing Morgan ever did. I was underwhelmed when I first saw it, too, but now it's one of my favorites.

Me, too—although that's probably because I've seen "Clyde Bruckman" and "Jose Chung" so many times. I recently downloaded a bunch of episodes from iTunes to bring on a long trip, and "Coprophages" was the one I watched the most—it's just wonderful from start to finish. (Scully, answering phone: "Who died now?")

Mine, too. It isn't as deep or detailed as some, but as far as X-Files comfort food is concerned, there's none better.

I'd throw "Pusher" in there as well. It's the best classic casefile that the show ever did, and my favorite episode of the entire series.

Casablanca exchange
From Ebert's site:

They're back!

They're here!

Funny you should mention it, because I was watching "Poltergeist" again just this week. It holds up pretty well, but the scariest moment was realizing that I'm now old enough to be attracted to JoBeth Williams.

Funny you should mention it, because I was watching "Poltergeist" again just this week. It holds up pretty well, but the scariest moment was realizing that I'm now old enough to be attracted to JoBeth Williams.

If anyone out there hasn't seen Last Tango in Paris, you need to check it out now. Brando's performance is probably the greatest I've ever seen.

Best Director nominations: Lee Daniels 1, Christopher Nolan 0.

For Catwoman, they'll just tape together a bunch of cats.