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    To be honest, "Modern Warfare" doesn't stand out to me. I like a lot of the "genre" episodes, but I don't LOVE any of them. My favorites are the ones that really get into character. This season, "Mixology Certification" is my favorite, and last season, "Debate 101." This episode was really great though.

    You guys are pretty far off on the Catfish business. First of all, it's a great movie. Second, I found the joke funny because yes, everybody made such a big deal about "the twist" but it's really not that kind of movie, and that if you don't assume that the people are not whom they say they are pretty early on, then

    I'm confused. Is "Louie" no longer on TV?

    On the accent issue, assuming we agree that that's nonsense, Bitch Hunter, I disagree with your (Pierce) claim that the accent serves no purpose for the plot. It may seem exaggerated, but as a proud Rhode Island politicker myself, I can tell you that the Tea-Party-opportunist independent candidates in RI play their