Barton Fink Flop Sweat

Suddenly, it appears I didn't waste my life because Darren Jones.

I need to see this like I need a hole in the head. You see what I did there.

I read The Hour I First Believed by Wally Lamb. It made me wonde why I haven't paid any attention to him before.
I also watched older movies that I obsessed over as a kid. Both Terminators, the first holds up, but the second is hamstrung by Furlong.

Waiting for Superman

I'll bet The Presidents of the United States of America and whichever group released Rotting PiƱata feel left out.

Surely, there was room for Joan Osbourne.
Soul Asylum?
Soup Dragons?

What is the sound of one hand fapping?

Guess where this is going.

Just seeing the title Portlandia gives me the urge to tune in with good intentions and doze off sometime in the first five minutes of the show.

You didn't DVR BUCKWILD?!??!