Dan Tacos

I'm not sure I want to know why handguns are great for women, but I can't not ask. So why are handguns great for women, Gentle Herpes?


What I would like is if it wasn't an either/or proposition: either lots of guns, or the government takes them forcibly away. I would be much happier if people just decided they didn't really need them. I mean, statistically, you kind of don't. Not for personal protection, anyway.

I don't know. Nothing, I guess. Prince's song had an anti-gun line, the story indicated that would not be well received.

I'll… I'll miss you, dad - I mean, RadioCat. *sobs too hard, poops pants a little*

Yeah, it's weird. Even my wife, who is almost cartoonishly bleeding-heart about capital punishment and other issues, shrugs and says 'well, second amendment.' People have swung, and like you said, continue to swing, so far to the pro-gun position that changing is almost unthinkable.

I know I do!

Someone call a meeting with Moon Vest!

Fair enough. I wasn't really talking about the gun issue in relation to Baltimore, though that's what the article was about. The way McCown included the line about LiveNation disavowing Prince's anti-gun talk made me think about how it's almost a taboo subject in polite society anymore, and that's too bad.

Yeah, the culture problem is the really daunting part. People REALLY like their bang-bang toys.

I guess that's a way to look at it, if you're being pragmatic.

Necropheliac Alcoholpheliac…

Cross-promote it with Bitch Hunter! Bitch Hunter stalks MILF Island, with sexy results!

Thank you. I have as much admiration and respect for the Bill of Rights as almost anyone. But it's not sacrosanct. Part of being a human with free will means if something's not working (or getting a bunch of people killed), you can change it.

That's what drives me crazy, is the insistence that they're the solution to every problem.

Yeah, logistically it's not going to happen. That's why it seems weird that any minor challenge to guns drives gun people completely insane.

Yes! Another fun thing to do is pretend like they canceled a major holiday, say Christmas. They won't QUITE believe you, but they're not totally sure, either.

I wish it wasn't so controversial to say that we should get rid of guns. I know it's not a realistic goal, but it never will be if you can't even say it would be nice without someone threatening to shoot your face off.

I was thinking that last night… should have gone with something like 'droll' or 'piquant' or 'fucky.'

Exactly. That's kind of what I was aiming at, but you put it very succinctly. The whole 'What? I'm just fucking with you, get a sense of humor!' thing is extremely tiresome. Own your opinions, for Chrissake.