
Pretty unsettling episode, especially the final scene of Jimmy's mom taking his toddler son upstairs to put him to bed.  She already fucked up Jimmy's life beyond repair, and now it looks like she's moving onto his son, ugg.

Lem should join the cast of Justifed and have his character get killed in some sort of explosion.

Final scene and promo for next weeks episode look season redeeming.

Kratos versus Hercules 2.0

It really did sound like the tree limb broke as the Sons logo went up, if so, sucks to be him.  Unlike Chibs momentary lapse of judgment in talking to the cops about the Irish, there is no light at the end of the tunnel for Juice, seeing has he killed the prospect who caught him lifting the coke.

Dear god no…

Felt odd to see an episode of Boardwalk Empire without a single throat slitting scene.  I'm guessing the lack of that in this weeks episode was just an anomaly and someone will say or do something foolish to Jimmy and end up on the business end of that trench knife of his.

Baird, Cole, and Dom tendency to run through and stand in pools of Imulsion made the Lambert Berzerker pretty damn hard.  It just seemed like their A.I, in the wise words of Robert Downey Jr., went "full retard"

Oxygen tank bandit.
This is that actors finest work since his incredible performance as the cannibalistic father in Stallone's timeless classic "Judge Dredd".

Next Week
It looks like everyone's favorite character Dana Walsh is going to be on the receiving end of a Jack Bauer interrogation. Anyone else hoping that Jack has to resort to the old kneecap method used in seasons four and five?