
GWAR just had a new album out yesterday, Bloody Pit of Horror. They are promoting it with a new video for Zombies March and even had an appearance just before Halloween on the decidedly un-metal Jimmy Fallon Craporama. I'd love to see some coverage of this album somewhere on the site, I guess a general album

Yea… can't say I'm especially embarrassed. Don't know how I missed that one though. Will blame drugs.

Type O Negative
And still not one mention of the passing of Peter Steele. I have nothing against YSPWSD, but Type O was a much, much more relevant band. Depressing news all around.

What the fuck is Tuco's First Law of Gunplay?

John Wayne
By this logic would True Grit count?

Sheldon also said the oath wrong.

How on earth was Machete not on this list?!

Cousin lovin
There really has not been enough talk here about the revelation of Howards incest. That's so far beyond creepy as to push his character way past the old sitcom troupe of horny neighbor al la Charlie from empty nest. Is this the Quagmirization of network television to the point where even criminal coupling

I don't think they just pull shit out of their ass from show to show. They had to go into this with a way out already thought up. That said, judging by the wall covered in mug shots in the club house I'd imagine most if not all of them are convicted felons, just having those guns is fifteen years no questions asked in

Unser + Juice + a big gulp full of piss = comedy goldmine.

That wasn't a spoiler. I didn't even mention that Johnathan is half robot, half tarantula, and drives a sentient-robot-transforming-bus that knocks up Buffy's mom in the fourth season. It's really sad when Giles and Cordelia's six armed martian love child kills the bus baby.

The big gulp guzzling geek from The Wish is named Johnathan, he will be around a lot more later on, it's always neat to see his early cameos in the show.

Batman & Robin
Mark my words, this book is only going to stay strong as long as Quitely is on the book. I haven't seen any other artist translate his superhero work, and retain any kind of linear feel. God knows what kind of visual gibberish any other artist would have cranked out with those All Star Superman scripts.


I don't think of Parsons as Spock, he's got Data remake all over him.

And to over geek you, they aren't debating who the new Batman will be "if" Bruce Wayne dies. Omega Sanction beotch.

You can watch this on Youtube, the band seems fucking mortified that he's acting like such a tool. Jian Ghomeshi is a total pro for putting up with that shit and not just shutting the interview down right then and there. On the other hand this might have been the best possible move for Thornton, before today who had

Don't do it Obama
This guys a stooge for Lex Luthor!

It's at least as good as the first and third x-men movies, which weren't great, but also weren't terrible. The third one honestly suffered most from being compared to the second one.

I'm hoping for an I-pod commercial parody murder a'la the classic Nintendo killing.