
Nice review but any episode with that incredible fight in gets an A from me.

This is terrible, the keys don't match at all

Well done for giving the deserved props to the weddoes

Once again the dumbasses leave on a mission wearing t shirts with tasty biteable arms, and Daryl takes his eyes off the road to twiddle a radio know almost getting then all killed.

Close the door to your cell before you sleep, dumbasses.

Truly dreadful: a misfire on many levels

Terrific idea

Amazing film and very moving when I saw this as a kid

That is fucking excellent. The entire concept of kickstarter is validated by this alone.

Misery porn. Why does everything in this season have to be so downbeat just because Buffy is sad?

Seriously people, put some sleeves on. Better yet, a leather jacket. I don't believe it's constantly so hot you have to have delicious tasty bare arms.

Seriously people, put some sleeves on. Better yet, a leather jacket. I don't believe it's constantly so hot you have to have delicious tasty bare arms.



This film was really good. Why you lie to me avclub?

This film was really good. Why you lie to me avclub?

I'd rather have a Xena film.

I'd rather have a Xena film.

Great review

Terrific photo at top of article.  Good camera skillz