
Terrific photo at top of article.  Good camera skillz

Some  terrific  acting in   Obsession  from the three  principals.

Ruffalo was so good in this.  Although physically he didn't seem a great fit at first, he just gets everything right and is totally charming as usual.  The sparing use of the hulk was excellent, with some good laughs.

These people are idiots. Why have they not agreed a rendevous point should the farm be overrun? All that goddamn talking and they never thought of it. They could have even put some petrol and guns there.

I mostly enjoyed this but am really worried about if the baddies try the same tricks again.  I mean they know who Batman is now, how to kill the Martian Manhunter etc etc.  Mind you I didn't see the last five minutes so maybe they wiped all their minds.

Yes it was ridiculous how quickly the missile would get there.  Perhaps Superman CAN fly faster than the speed of light, but how could they SEE the flare before it arrived?

The Neeson bit was so funny it makes the rest of this look awful.