Inspector Peanut

Zorak: "We're sending Jonathan out…in pieces!"
Space Ghost: "That'll be fine. Just don't touch my TV. Touch my TV and you're F**king dead!"

"What am I saying?? You're just a little baby!"
"We are gonna set some boundaries!"

"Hey, you got change…FOR A .38?!?"

A Grand Day in Conway
The sun must be shining extra bright today.

Love as Fantasy
Great film with a highly relatable central conceit. Did Chiyoko waste her life waiting for a love that was very definitely never going to happen, or was the fantasy so much better than the reality ever could have been? If the key really just opens a suitcase, well…there's pretty much no way that

This seems like a good place to go to complain about inconsequential things, so here's my beef: Jack, Kate and Hurley are all now stuck in 1977 - because they "had to go back" - because Locke told them things got REALLY bad after they left. So they risked their lives (even magical plane crashes are dangerous) to get

Just for clarity - Desmond *couldn't* have gone back via plane, right? Shouldn't he have to go back on a boat, since that's how he found it the first time? These rules…they confuse me so…