
I like this idea a lot but I probably wouldn't keep up with it to be honest haha. I am loving Sinestro though and I know you read that. Have you ever read the pre-Flashpoint Green Lantern Corps by Gibbons and Tomasi? Soranik gets featured prominently and Sinestro pops up a lot. And Mongul has a big role.

wicked pissah!

I've had trouble sleeping the past few nights. Nothing's bothering and my diet/exercise regimen is the same as it's always been.

Is JLU any good? I heard the first arc or so was a drag, and I am slightly interested in it due to the team constantly changing depending on the threat.

Nah, it's Scrotal Reballs

So you're saying it has a better chance than Winds and Venture Bros? I know we got that Venture Bros. special recently to tied everyone over and who knows how long GRRM is going to take.

My friend wouldn't shut up about it last year so I gave the pilot a shot and wasn't impressed. Then I decided to watch the second episode recently and fell in love. One of my favorite shows of all time.

I loved that show as a kid even if most jokes flew over my head. The one episode I actually remember is when his son goes to fat camp and loses a ton of weight.

Made some recently with Chex as the coating (and some spices). Then whipped up a super simple buffalo dipping sauce consisting of mayo, ketchup, apple cider vinegar, and frank's red hot.

Will Venture Bros, Arrested Development, or Winds of Winter come out first? My money is definitely on Venture Bros.

Comics Thread

Girlfriend's back from being out of state for the past three weeks. Had an unexpected family tragedy a few months ago, and had to go take care of some stuff regarding it. Really excited to see her, and she seems to be in a good mood—she said she got some closure and is ready to move on with her life/

It's funny since in the most recent season, (IIRC) Archer mentions Captain Marvel/Shazam and their Isis character.

made gluten-free, dairy-free pizza recently. it was surprisingly delicious. loaded it with veggies and meats and it tasted more like a pastry.

Girlfriend's been out of the state for the past three weeks (due to an unexpected family tragedy) so she wants to catch up on all our shows: Rick and Morty, Another Period, Review.

Freshman year of college, there was this packie in areally shady part of the next town over that would sell to anyone, all you needed to show them was your school ID.

Yeah, but I'm not a dumb diaper baby that doesn't know about the dangers of drinking and driving. Plus there aren't any big cliffs around here.

Unrelated but: Speaking of bloodshot eyes that resemble a map, was it Pete and Pete that had that one teacher with the gross veiny legs that resembled a map? Totally just remembered that.


I wish one beer, let alone a few sips, got me that messed up.