Omega Men #1 - 3. So good.
Omega Men #1 - 3. So good.
My personal favorite is Meeseeks and Destroy.
I hope that if they destroy this Earth, that this Summer joins them when they go to the next. And it would be funny if the exact same beats happen (enter the garage after Rick, Morty and Summer are killed) and Morty parrots Rick's "We'll each bury ourselves. I think that's a fair way to divvy it up."
I love how confident Morty was in this one.
Loved this one but I'm really excited for next week's based on the preview. Looks like a cross between the house party episode (Ricksy Business?) and Rixty Minutes.
I want cranky ol' Peter David as Supergirl's cranky ol' neighbor.
What Are You Reading
Don't worry. They'll switch over to a Harry Potter podcast soon and still talk about U2.
Metal or plastic?
If it were three guys I didn't like having the exact same conversation, I would have turned it off within twenty minutes. But I love all three and couldn't stop laughing throughout.
The panel was definitely the worst part with everyone shouting over each other while the comedians attempt to make jokes.
I hope I never get this angry over a cartoon.
Thought that said Mystic Pizza for a second…
Sex Ed and DARE kind of blend together. I can't remember if our guest speaker had a previous heroin addiction or AIDS. Maybe both. I don't know. All I know is that it resorted more to fear tactics (like some other posters have said)
1) Chocobo. Probably delicious.
2) Yoshi. Especially if I had to ditch him to make an extra long jump.
3) Wartortle
I like to think the gym leaders have different Pokemon for different trainers. One that starts in Pallet Town would face the Geodude or Onyx, while one that works his way from Saffron would face a Graveler and a… um… Golem?
also, remember that episode in Blaine's gym where the trainers cooled off the rock Pokemon with water attacks? What's up with that?
I wonder if there are any adverse side effects to hanging out with poison Pokemon like Koffing and Grimer.
Those were incredibly lame. Read funnier tweets and comments from a bunch of nobodies on this site.
You forgot about the part where the groundskeeper plot gets dropped halfway through the season and they add time-traveling cyborg zombies.