
I read this in Marisa Wompler's voice.

Speaking of which, the WHAS facebook page just uploaded a picture of him with the caption: Our love for President Reagan doesn't trickle down, it flows like the water from one of our leaky canoes!

The only downside with watching most of these in one sitting is that I can't remember what events happen in each episode but that part definitely was one of my favorites.

Has Bob Belcher talked to a can yet? Or has it just been food so far?

I was determined to hate Day of Vengeance based on the solicits and the fact that there were three other tie-in series. But it was a close second to Villains United.

Everyone in this article does seem pretty cool though and aren't attacking others opinions at least.

I'm bummed the renumbered Exiles only lasted a few issues. This series should go on forever.

Everyone knows Cinderella was a founding member of the IDF.

That's actually around the same time I got into comics. Fables was one of my first non-superhero comics.

I know what you mean. I forgot that he wrote a few issues of Robin that weren't bad but nothing groundbreaking.

I remember the art was super wonky and I couldn't get into it. Plus wasn't she Robin for like three issues? Day of Vengeance was surprisingly good, but Shadowpact sucked.

I've heard. I might jump back into it eventually. I lost interest after the Cannibal arc.

I lost interest in Invincible and the Walking Dead around the same time as Fables (issue 75 or so) . Granted I never watch Talking Dead and think Walking Dead (TV) is overrated garbage, but from some of the interviews I've seen and heard, he sounds like a cool and amiable dude.

Has Willingham written anything else that's good or great? I really enjoyed Day of Vengeance but hated the Shadowpact series and Salvation Run. (Though that could have been that Sturges guy who was like his assistant or whatever) And I hated how he tried make Kid Carnevil relevant. He's soooooo evil he got kicked out

"Take a hit of this and any wish will come true"

How bad were the old Mickey and friends cartoons? Like did they reach Looney Tunes level of racism?

Finally listened to last week's CBB. Joe Bongo reminds me of a burnt-out beatnik professor I had.

No one complains when the same Simpsons quotes are constantly repeated.

I'm hoping this will go on Netflix seeing as how it added Sirens.

It's just too bad we have to wait until October for Nathan For You.