
Love these two. And I'm amazed I'm not annoyed by Womp It Up yet though I'd be cool with Wompler coming up with a non-Digiorno food concoction.

Wain's Israeli counselor was spot on. Loved this episode more than the first, and the opening with Elizabeth Banks is one of my favorite moments so far (only on the fourth episode)

And Another Period.

Do go on.

And now I'm remembering Devin Grayson's terrible run. Whatever happened to her?

So his greatest villain would be Didio, right? Since he wanted to kill him off around Infinite Crisis because he didn't think he had much of a following.

That's really good to know. And pretty disappointing.

I looked at future solicits and I'm so excited that he's going to run into a certain anti-hero. They're pretty similar now that I think of it. (Leaving it blank in case you don't want to be spoiled, but it's not Lobo)

I love what Johns did with Sinestro and expanding the corps and its mythology. But Hal bored the hell outta me. I was cleaning out my bookshelf and decided to box a lot of his run. I've never been a Hal fan and parts of his run can be such a drag. Honestly most of the stuff I remember that involved Hal was that Hal

Tomasi/Gleason are up there among my favorite pairs in comics. Granted I've only read GLC and B&R, but they're both fantastic. And Gleason is currently crushing it on Robin: Son of Batman. Love all the little references to the previous B&R run in his art.

Yeah. I'm going to stick with Cyborg until issue 6 since I've enjoyed Walker's interviews about it, but it has yet to blow me away.

I got excited since I thought the villain was Lady Styx at first.

Recently got into Sinestro so now I'm planning on rereading Tomasi's and Gleason's pre-nu52 Green Lantern Corps run (along with Sinestro Corps War and Blackest Night). I'll probably skip Johns' run of the main title—I loved GLC way more than GL—though I might read that arc with Mongul and Black Mercy in GL.

Pretty much this. I think it also depends on how much Batman you've read before. If you've read a ton, Snyder's work won't blow you away since you've seen similar story beats that worked much better.

This is the first show I've binged in a long time, and I already want to rewatch this series but will have to wait until after Wet Hot American Summer.

I was worried that it was going to be Forrest's dad. Mostly because he dropped the line that he was going to a bathroom near his father's, and they've been saying how dark this season gets. I am so glad that wasn't the case.

It's just fifty pages of rocks throughout the ages.

I'm glad I like Damian since the last time I liked Tim Drake was pre-OYL (and the occasional Dini issue of Detective he'd show up in)

I see it as the secret, elite group pulling the strings in the shadows: Black Glove and Court of Owls

Rock of Ages is probably my favorite part of his JLA run.