
I read an article this week that said that the Boy Meets World spin-off used Dark Knight Returns as part of the episode.

You should check out Dini's run on Detective Comics (circa 2007 or so). Lots one to two-parters with overarching stories. I know it was collected in a trade or two but it might be tricky to track down.

Yeah same.

I haven't read Fables since around issue 70 or so (the Mr. Dark arc) but I have been enjoying your posts about this.

Nice! I read Rock of Ages, Strength in Numbers, and World War III a few months ago. Planning on rereading Morrison's Batman and Robin soon too.

I was going to post didn't he run over or hit someone with his car but that was Matthew Broderick.

Dude! Haven't seen you post in a while. Don't want to derail your thread but you still play Smash?

Those were pretty terrible portrayals of him.

My problem with Snyder's Batman is that he felt like he had to make each arc more explosive and epic than the previous one.

I loved it the first time I played but couldn't get very far when I tried recently. The only other Tales I played was Abyss, and that game made me so angry. The extremely slow load times on the world map combined with having no likeable characters made me give up a few hours in.

I probably would have liked some of it better if I hadn't just read Morrison's Batman/Batman & Robin which featured a lot of similar ideas.

nu52 Flash? I read the first two trades and while the story was super dull, that art was gorgeous.

Artists like Jim Lee bore me. I also lump him together with Fabok, Daniel, and Reis. Obviously I know they're extremely talented, but I prefer a less "realistic" looking comic book.

While Fabok and Lee are talented, their style does absolutely nothing for me. But I am a sucker for Mahnke's art—I feel like the characters have way more personality instead of having an angry or indifferent expression.

Picked up: Cyborg #1, Omega Men # 1 - 2, Rick and Morty #3, and decided to try out Sinestro (picked up post-Godhead issues #9 - #13)

Gleason's been crushing it on Robin: Son of Batman. I feel like he gets Damian since he worked closely with Tomasi on the previous Batman and Robin series.

This makes me want it to happen even more!

For what system?

Obligatory Smash U post

It's hella 90s.