
I always thought Roy would have made a great Green Lantern. I mean imagine how much willpower it would take to quit doing heroin.

Ah, Tony Daniels. The poor man's Jim Lee.

Rob Lowe voiced Captain Marvel in this series. That is literally spot-on casting.

Right. I just hate that Teen Titans replaced Young Justice. I wouldn't have minded if they kept even a fraction of their personalities. Plus the first few arcs revisited everything that's been done to death before: Deathstroke, Trigon, Brother Blood, and Dr. Light. Bleh.

Yup. It sucks since I think Season 1 is the only one on Netflix and it's definitely the weakest.

quit crystal shaming! #resurrectcomedianstumblr

Last year, those You're The Worst ads bugged me since it made the show look terrible. But I'm glad I gave it a chance since it was my favorite show of last summer (tied with Nathan For You).

By the time Winds of Winter is released, we'll have half of the next Venture Bros sason and the season finale of Gravity Falls.

Remember that one girl's imaginary/invisible friend who was actually real and took her place in Season 2?

You need to bring Urkel back for it to happen.

If you want a teenage series without the teenage angst, read Geoff Johns' Teen Titans run. All the characters act like boring ol' adults with the same boring ol' personalities.

This was the Teen Titans show I always wanted.

I'm a sucker for most of the rogues' costumes. Captain Cold's in particular.

Nah. It would be like Tom Brady wearing a shirt with his face as opposed to him just wearing a generic Patriot's shirt.

Yeah. And I feel like the characters only have two facial expressions: anger and indifference.

Comics need more fakeout costumes. One of the very few good things from Johns' Teen Titans run was Bart getting a Green Lantern tattoo since it would be too obvious if he got a Flash one.

That's a great one. I also like how it was an homage to Kon.

I've never been a fan of Jim Lee's work. He's obviously talented, but it feels like everyone has the same body-type and facial expressions.

Replace flooded a city with destroyed a country…

If she was invulnerable it would at least be a nice fake-out.