
Seems easier to just buy a pack of 3 "S" t-shirts at Wal-Mart instead of having Ma constantly make and fix the costume.

One of my favorite recent costumes is Damian Wayne's. Love the hood and I don't care how impractical it is—Damian would be able to fight blind.

I miss the ridiculous, impractical costumes like the one that exposes Huntress' stomach.

Do any narcissistic heroes wear t-shirts of themselves? Seems like something pre-Infinite Crisis Booster would do.

That's why I hated what I saw of Johns' run. The constant "dur-hur Aquaman you're lame" followed by Aquaman doing something cool seemed unoriginal.

Jokes about how lame Aquaman is are as original as Nickelback sucks LOL 2006 jokes.

Haven't gotten around to it yet but I picked up the first two issues of the Omega Men the other day (along with some issues of Sinestro). Art looks good and I've heard great things about King.

I loved how self-contained SCW was, especially when compared to Blackest Night.

I'm liking how the new Secret Six isn't just a copy of the pre-nu52 one. It was nice seeing a few of the old members dropping in, but I'm hoping this main team sticks (for the most part). Strix, especially. I'm getting a Cassandra Cain vibe from her.

I had this awesome jigsaw puzzle of the entire Simpsons cast about 13 years ago.
I would love one of Rick and Morty.

Secret Six and Robin: Son of Batman are my two most anticipated comics.

I'm jealous. Are you reading the single issues or the trades? Not sure if the trades feature it, but definitely check out all of the covers. So. Damn. Beautiful.

The only fun moment I can think of is when they stole the Batmobile, but that was no more than three pages.

I know nothing about the seas or pressure or science but if Aquaman could survive the depths, would his voice be super high or super low? Also would it be like Goku after leaving King Kai's planet? Like would Aquaman be even quicker on land?

buzzfeed lists are like this. but salon lists are like thiiiiiis.

Wain it in.

I've heard some horror stories about Yoshi's Island…

Can't believe I'm so excited for this show while this time last year, the ads made it look so stupid.

He's been hilarious on every Comedy Bang Bang appearance (both podcast and show).

And every male cast member on The League (well except for Taco).