
I always thought that as an artist, Kyle Rayner should have been overweight and full of self-loathing. I mean I know some writers gave him an inferiority complex and kept him as the newbie despite proving himself time and time again. But I want a nerdy slob who wears a stained t-shirt into battle.

I got into comics right around the time of Identity Crisis and was so fortunate to be able to pick up most of the single issues of Young Justice. Teen Titans was such a disappointment after reading that—all the characters were mopey and dull and had the same voice. It's shocking since Johns was fantastic on JSA and

tumblr is that-a-way.

Cudi episodes are fantastic. Really unpopular opinion but I think he's a much better fit for CBB than Reggie was.

I'm surprised the stress hasn't killed him yet. It's great that he gets to witness his legacy crumble instead of him dying as a "great and influential" man.

Thanks for the reminder. Def going to check the rerun when I make dinner.

Apatow's appearance on CBB ruined Reggie's last episode imho.

Do yourself a favor and listen to the ones with Thomas Middleditch. They're character-heavy, but fantastic.

A few of my friends went to the one in Boston and my buddy was able to chat him up and take pictures with him.

I never read the Secret Six issues with King Shark, so I'm glad DC is recollecting that series in newer trades. IIRC I only read up to the Amazon arc before I stopped collecting single issues.

I'm bummed that the trio of Jason, Donna, and Kyle never went anywhere. One of the few enjoyable moments from Countdown to Final Crisis.

Oh really? I didn't know the full story.

Countdown to Final Crisis was hot garbage.

The preview scans of RH/A seem way more fun and enjoyable than anything Arsenal has been involved in the ten years before New 52. I did like him at the beginning of Winnick's Outsiders though I think it would have been cooler to delve into his PTSD a bit more before having that dumb America's Most Wanted crossover.

I only know Boom-Boom from X-Men Evolution but I really liked that version of her.

Maybe they mean The New 52 and not the series 52 (which I loved).

I hate to admit I love all of MC Lars' lit-hop.

I thought One Year Later was hit-or-miss. Dini and Morrison's Detective Comics/Batman were fantastic as was Busiek's Superman. My biggest problem with OYL was them trying to keep certain mysteries a secret which would cause weird continuity errors (mostly due to 52).

I remember seeing the preview scans for Johns' run and getting annoyed how many times he threw in someone calling Aquaman lame.

I know he had a problem with one of the sites that posted scans of his work which I think is justified.