
It really is too bad they DC feels the need to reinvent Aquaman every few years.

Bleh. Guess I'll just have to go back to Booster Gold and 52.

Probably already mentioned but no Beak or Booster Gold? Speaking of Booster, has he shown up in the New 52 besides that one future series? I loved his solo series from a few years ago.

slow month for tumblr, eh?

It's cause podcasts are still new thanks to the first ever podcast Serial. So they don;t get as many clicks.

Never been a huge Tig fan but I loved last week's cbb.

Opposite for me. Love the concept but not a fan of the art. I mean it's not bad, but it's not really doing anything for me.

Is he still writing Batman as constantly angry while having Hal make jokes at his expense? How's his Wonder Woman? I was never a big fan of how he wrote her when she'd pop in his books.

Great Gatsby 3: Rich Dicks

What about Boo Radley? I don't want my future son's name tarnished.

The Great Gatsby 2: Blackest Night

Find it funny that a guy with the name Gleason is working on Robin, since Damien always reminded me of Joffrey (and Gleeson played Joffrey on GoT)

Loved Scandal and Porcelain fighting/flirting. Would have liked to see Ragdoll and Shauna interact. And thought it was cute when Ralph saved the vase.

Yeah. I mean I still love it and it's the main reason I'll go to a comic book store each month.

Tomasi's Batman and Robin is also fantastic but tends to focus more on Robin.

Still Smashin' away. Made a dope shiprekt stage.

The Oracle games are fantastic. Definitely find a way to play those.

Only read Secret Six and Martian Manhunter so far.

Did Secret Six take place before last issue?

Classic Hannibal blunder.