
Taking Friday off to go up to Vermont with ladytoastly to visit her sister and one of my friends. Planning on kayaking Friday and hiking Saturday.

Relationships/Dating Thread

The last season of Lost seemed like fanfiction. Cartoonish characters, repeated phrases which made up most of the dialogue, and every single minor character was used as fodder.

Dammit, CBS pulled the clip on youtube.

Mattress girl.

Please. Gaston would totally support Cosby.


Big Brother is garbage, but it's garbage I enjoy. Like last week the surfer brah was trying to trick the nerdy guy by saying everyone is against him. Except he couldn't think on his feet:

I just find him super annoying and his delivery sucks. "WAH I'M A NERD I LIKE STAR WARS AND COMICS AND I'M GOING TO TALK SO FAST BLEAAARGH!"

They're waiting until the flashback shows Homer and Marge meeting on MySpace. Then Facebook. Then Tinder. Then Grindr.

overused Simpsons quote #476

They would definitely have a unique battle system. I can't see them working together, and I bet their inability to cooperate could lead to massive damage.

Wendy Koopa would like a word.

Dr. Beads?

I hope with You're The Worst moving to FXX that it doesn't get canceled.

Saw him in Boston back in April. So funny. He mentioned Cosby near the end, someone shouted "that's all your famous for!" and Hannibal replied with, "Shut up. I waited until the end of the set to mention him. And I got your twenty-five bucks."

I've always loved Peach and thought it was ridiculous she needed Mario to save her. Her floating ability in SMB2 was key, and I loved being able to play as her in SMRPG/Paper Mario 2.

With Soule on Daredevil and Lemire on Hawkeye, I will now read as many Marvel comics as DC ones (Secret Six and Robin: Son of Batman).

Was Jonah as dull and boring on DLM as he was on CBB (and pretty much everything else)?

I'm the same way. I like both Howard and Kulap but I can't listen to this show every week since it gets incredibly repetitive. "Space sucks!" "Jaws!" "Have a summah!"