
Not sure how old this news is but come 2016, there will be a few new mini-series including Poison Ivy, Metamorpho, Raven, and Metal Men (among others).

any sort of fun Nintendo multiplayer game immediately makes me think of summah. I can't even begin to imagine how many hours me and my friends racked up on smash, Mario Party, and Goldeneye.

Gu Cruise?

My only suggestion is you might want to clean up the spelling a bit so it looks more legit.

Broad City, Rick and Morty, You're The Worst, Birthday Boys, Nathan For You, Review.

I like the idea of Shark Week more than the actual execution.

A bunch of creepy Freys.

Haha. There's a quote on Rick and Morty where SNL is full of ridiculous things and Bobby Moyninhan, and Rick responds with "Interesting fun fact: uh, Moynihan and Piece of Toast hate each other. Creative differences."

Schlep? I like the cut of your jib, ya mensch.

Get a hobby maybe?

The first episode I saw was the God-is-a-Beach-Boy one (which I think was Season 2). Hooked instantly. Though I did used to watch the Neely shorts a few years ago.

I loved when he told Mordecai that dating doesn't have to be hard and full of drama or whatever.

Buttered toast, Bobby Moynihan, etc.

4th Thread (unless Disqus isn't showing me one)

If you want to watch the average American, then watch The Middle.

Is this going to be the new "Wah, why won;t you review American Dad"?

Well at least she knows she doesn't have to attempt acting for those.

"I'ma stop you right there Bran, but my wife had the best falling-out-of-a-window scene"

Bring back the smoke monster. His 11 questions was great.

What's the sandwich really made of?