
my first thought to the worm-thing was Mr. Mind. then Animorphs.

As long as he stops with "…a country you think of so little, that you didn't realize that this isn't ______, this is ______." First time was really funny.

What time, 6?

The thing that annoyed me in the preview scans for Johns' run a while back was how often a minor character would go "dur hur what can aquaman do" then he'd do something "badass".

MisterSplendiferous is using tragedy to get a laugh. How shellfish of him.

I noticed that DC is going to recollect the Sub-Diego arc in a trade which I thought was interesting.

I need those two hours to complain about stuff on the internet!

I should dig out Return of Barry Allen. I remember that was my first exposure to Waid's run.

Yeah, I know I should but I really don't want to sit through any more cutscenes.

I love how we're getting glimpses into the backstories of the six. Like we now know part of Black Alice's and Strix's, and I'm glad Strix isn't just a Ragdoll clone (though the resident team weirdo goes to Shauna and Fergie)

This was the only episode I was able to catch this week and it was fantastic. Can't wait to watch the rest sometime this weekend.

Thanks. I still play SNES games on my HD TV and it looks fine, though I know 3D games look like garbage.

Need advice. Want to buy some classic games through the PS3 store. I've never played Suikoden 1 or 2 though I had a friend who was obsessed with 2 and it looked fun. Would it be fine to jump into 2 without playing 1? I have limited gaming time each week but really want to play an old school RPG.

What's your Nintendo ID? Mine is: moastlytoastly

Smash Bros U: Week Lucas

Well it does take place in Beantown.

Interesting. Has Strix shown up before? I know Catman mentioned something about his past and that mask in the first or second issue (among the pile of them) makes sense now.

Y'know, at the beginning when he mentioned his nose, I thought "he'd probably get along with…"

I'll post this when we get Big Issues, but anyone read Secret Six #3? Wow. Yes. Fully on board.

Thanks. I've only played Symphonia and Abyss; loved Symphonia even though the plot was so similar to FFX, and couldn't make it through Abyss since I despised all of the characters (but thought the gameplay was better than Symphonia)