
Oh man, I loved that. Wow.

I'm hoping this is a prank by Kumail.

I hope this is a giant prank set up by Kumail.

Who knew she was adept at improv? Her Lady-Farts-a-Lot character was hilarious.

Too bad this will be extremely neutered by comparison.

There was a really weird DC mini-series about eight years ago or so where each hero took a political stance, and Jericho was messing everything up or something.

Sick. I tend to wait until the next gen system to buy the obsolete one—I bought the PS3 about a year and a half ago—since I'm not much of a gamer. I really only started FFX since I had a broken ankle and needed something besides TV and books.

Right? I think the first one came out in December.

Feel better, dude. Katamari and sangreen.

And has Secret Six answered anything or is it still mysterious?

where's my Veep adaptation?

Mr. Meville, if you're reading this (since you would totally be an AVClubber), thanks for showing us this along with Samurai Jack during our high school Animation elective. That was one of the best classes I've ever been part of.

Nah, Frank. He's the one that loves living in squalor.

Sly and Jak compilations are both on my Will Get It Someday list. I love Ratchet and Clank.

I need to pick up the new issue of Secret Six. And reread the first two issues.

Made chicken piccata with pasta, green beans, and polenta fries last night.

All the upvotes for Katamari. That's also my go-to mostly toastly game.

Haha yeah. We had the talk back in February about what we are since she wanted to know if I was just looking to hang and fool around, or if I was looking for something more. I told her something more and she felt the same way.

I know they can't discriminate based on what you look like, but you might want to cover up a bit…

Happy birthday!