
Still procrastinating on my First Law Trilogy reread. But it'll happen.

As much as I like aSoIaF, I don't care about all the excessive lore. I mean it's cool when they bring it up in the books (one of my favorite parts of Bran's chapters), but I really don't care who Stannis' great great great uncle on his father's side is or what an Aegon from five hundred years ago did. I want to know

Vidyagame Thread


He's been nailing all of his appearances on Comedy Bang Bang.

How does that compare to Happy Endings? I feel like both have the most JPMs from recent comedies.

Everyone had massive muscles too regardless of age.

Series Finale title will be "Lady Stoneheart Is Actually In This One" only for her not to appear.

Too Many Corpses

Not really. I'll eat garbage but it's usually at smaller places.

Let me guess, you were a contestant in Big Brother 6.

"you want good king, but what you need is bad queen"

Sansa didn't make the fall and ends up being resurrected by Thoros and Beric riding Nymeria.

I'm surprised it's not just ports and remakes of OoT for the 8th time.

Someone watched The Cleveland Show?

There was a girl on last year that was basically the Sweet Dee of the house. Everyone hated her and kept throwing her under the bus. And she was pretty awful and bird-like.

There's a great Doug Loves Movies where they just insult each other.

I felt like Arya's Feast storyline didn't translate that well this year, granted it was also my least favorite plot of hers when compared to the rest. I'm fine with them having Jaqen take on the Kindly Old Man's role, but most of the "cryptic" dialogue just seemed so cheesy.

I'd be cool with the Kingsmoot especially compared to Dorne this season. Like it can't be worse than that, right?

Just wait until Lord Boyardee sends Faceless Man Arya to defeat his culinary rival: Hot Pie.