
They respect brute force and power though, and that dragon sure looks powerful.

I can't see how it can be wrapped up in two books but I can see how it can be wrapped up in two seasons since they've cut so much.

This season was a pretty big letdown to me though I can't complain too much since I found the fourth and fifth books tedious, and my favorite parts of those were cut (though it makes sense why). Somehow some of the plots felt equally rushed and stretched out.

I thought that if they were to include the Varys/Kevan scene then they would have replaced Kevan with Tommen (since he's a "good" Lannister and could be a competent and fair ruler without Cersei, and the audience is already invested in him instead of Kevan who briefly popped up like twice this season).

2) On the one hand, Roose is all about discretion. On the other, Littlefinger could easily buy some of Roose's men to learn the truth.

Every scene with Selina and Catherine Selina makes me laugh.

You have good taste

Dummie tried absorbing my zombie characters which injured her. And for some reason she kept trying to heal Wakka who had auto-Med on so it ended up helping him. When I got her last form own to 20,000, I just grand summoned Bahamut, then Shiva. I started with Yuna, Tidus, and Rikku then kept swapping Tidus and Rikku

I was cringing during that lady's story.

I bought a Wii U back in December and already feel like I got its money worth since there was a period of four months where I Smashed online almost nightly. I'm okay with this.

FFX: Vague Spoilers So I Don't Ruin It For Whovian Edition

SMRPG was my first RPG and man did I suck at it. I got stuck in Toad's house at the beginning and it took me at least fifteen minutes to realize I had to leave the map and go back to the castle.

For me it's the giant Koopa boss atop of a castle IIRC.

I feel that way about Yoshi's Story. I felt like that was a neutered version of Yoshi's Island.

I've been rereading the reviews and comments from last season as I catch up, and it's so funny watching people cry homophobia and intolerance.

I feel like each game got progressively harder. I could beat A New Hope but I had so much trouble beating the first level of Empire.

My grandma surprised me with a N64 and Mario 64 around the time it came out. My cousin from the other side of the family was over that day and said he wished he had my grandma.

I love you.

Just googled a list of SNES games from 1995. Boogerman, Aaah! Real Monsters, Addams Family. Oh man. I mean those games weren't anything special, but I've got nostalgia overload.

Turtles in Time was THE sleepover game for me. Runner up: Zombies Ate My Neighbors.