
SMW was easier.

I still remember that disgustingly awesome Yoshi's Island commercial.

Great username.

Calling it now, Tommen will take Kevan's place. Opening scene of the season had the prophecy with young Cersei. Lots of people like Tommen and see how he could be a good ruler with time (and no Cersei whispering in his ear).

Yeah, this episode is going to be stuffed. I also hope we see both Varys and Littlefinger. Any word on if it has any extra run time like last year's finale (which IIRC was the longest episode)

Whoever is the black mage should take advantage of Bio. I've been poisoning some of the harder bosses and it's been a huge help.

I stopped playing Smash over the past two months but will get back into it when he's available.

I started eating fruit for breakfast a while back (along with black coffee) and have noticed a weight drop.

You do. I'm five episodes from being caught up.

Imagine if every active AVClubber got transported into the computer…

Do you like fruit?

My weaknesses are ice cream, cereal, and potato chips. Like it's disgusting how much I can eat in one sitting.

Ankle check up a week from today. Been ditching the walking boot when I'm at home to strengthen my foot and try to walk normally again. Been going on longer walks with the boot on to get some exercise since I have gotten flabby the past month.

Will Littlefinger pop up too since it's been awhile since we've seen him?

Unless they have Varys kill Olenna. That would piss off fans and help further the rift between Cersei and Marg.

I also like when people complain about the White Walkers when they were featured in the very first scene of the show. Ugh, just saw an article on google news with the headline "Is Season 5 of Game of Thrones too Brutal?"

You didn't miss much with Partners in Time; I was really disappointed with it because like you said it felt like the same game.

Tumblr ruins everything it touches regardless of material.

Didn't read the full post. Thought it was the regular book thread.

Mentioned last week I'm going to reread the First Law Trilogy along with the three spin-off books. But haven't gotten around to it yet.