
At first I thought she was the Castor-Mother.

Zombie Aynsley.

That's funny—I watch for the acting and don't really care for the plot.

I'm hoping she's Aynsley 2.0

It's so hard choosing my favorite character but Richard is definitely up there.

I feel like most people are forgetting how tedious the fifth book was.

You seem delightful. If you hate the show so much, why do you keep watching?

Unrelated to this past episode but you know what would be cool? If Sansa trusts Brienne more than Littlefinger and takes her in as her own personal guard/confidante, and starts making her own moves. Sansa has to lose trust in Littlefinger for allowing her to be Ramsay's bride, yeah?

Did they mention the Sparrows at all last season? I would have liked it better if there were a few throwaway lines about the peasants banding together.

I'm fine with Tyrion rescuing her. I mean we've seen him attack people before in battle (Season 1 when he was taken by Cat, Battle of the Blackwater).

At least Marceline's dad only ever took her fries.

And Walder Frey is still having servants wipe the floor.

They have to cut a ton. Ten hours per season. The books were full of pointless meandering as well.

It's too bad because there have been some fantastic scenes this season, but I tend to focus more on the ones that don't work.

Britta is Stoneheart confirmed.

Yeah, I agree. I understand they only have ten hours a season and have to rush and cut a ton which obviously negatively effects the show.

There's a new Planet Hulk? (Just looked up the solicit, that looks great) I'm not a Hulk fan either but I loved the original.

Recently reread Rock of Ages and forgot how good it is. That's also why I'm indifferent towards Darkseid War—I have no right to judge Johns run since my only exposure are preview scans, but from what I've seen of his run, it looks incredibly generic.

I still need to finish Lemire's GA run; I'll probably pick up the last trade next week. Sucks they turned it into Arrow: The Comic once he left.

Most of the stuff he writes about seems like a stretch