
Yeah, I've started doing that while I'm training. Also found out that that boss can be poisoned; both Yuna and Lulu know Bio and Auron has the Spider's Kiss sword attached which has Poisontouch.

The good thing about FFX is that there are very few things you can miss—there's probably a FAQ out there on what you have to get when you're near it as opposed to going back later.

charlessage became a spam-zombie. We have to save him.

Also I don't want to spoil anything for you, but immediately after the Evrae battle, you'll be thrown into some easy battles against people and robots. Take out the robots first. If you defeat the people first and only the robots are left, the robots will use Thrust Kick which will kick members of your team out of the

I have fond memories of DX. That was my go-to game to play on flights or long drives as a kid. Played it about two years ago and was amazed how well it's aged.

Thanks. Hopefully I only need the walking boot for another week (been taking it off to drive and shower and it doesn't really hurt). My extra free time has been pretty good—mostly playing FFX and catching up on Hannibal.

That sounds adorable.

That's a funny way to spell Link's Awakening DX.

That's one of my favorite parts of the game. You know how hopeless it's going to be and you can feel the tension in the atmosphere.

You said you left off at the Blitzball tournament, right? The cutscenes tend to die down for a bit after that.

I've had a broken ankle for the past three weeks so this has definitely been helping with the boredom (along with some natural, green enhancements). I've been combining it with podcasts and music, and some of the cutscenes are hilarious when they sync up.

The way Apatow was sitting kept bothering me (since he was turned from the camera).

Peace out.

FFX: Vague Spoiler Edition (so as not to spoil Whovian)

Back in the 90s. It was called Space Cases.

I'm bummed that they didn't bring back JT since he obviously comes back in the books.

I thought Danny was Howard Kremer for a second.

Qatar? I don't even know her!

Just give him a tragic backstory about losing his son to a whale or something.

Just wait til Rick and Morty comes back. Wubba-lubba-dub-dub!