
Ugh, I watched Season 1 of Hannibal back in April and figured I'd have enough time to finish Season 2, so I kept putting it off. I'm only on episode 4 so I won't be able to watch til next week most likely.

According to the commercial for the episodes this week, Andy Daly's King of Ooo is returning.

I loved Red Country and that's the one I remember most despite not reading it much later than the others.

It's pronounced "Trashion".

Didn't they also resemble those monsters/creatures from the Joshua and Margaret episode?

Personally I hope she stays selfish and ends up causing more harm than good.

If two characters talk, Tumblr immediately thinks they should be together. Also if two characters don't talk, Tumblr cries discrimination.

Ghost Fly is fantastic. My least favorite of that list is Sad Face.

That sounds like my kind of night.

I read this (specifically the little bitter guys part) in Steve Brule's voice.

Just remember: she's more scared of you than you are of her.

Getting better, thanks! I'm able to walk fine with the boot, drive with a winter boot, and walk small distances without any boot (though I'm keeping this to a minimum—mostly to shower and to walk to the bathroom)

Despite the first few rocky episodes of Season 3, I still consider this my favorite season.

"The Duggars represent good family and moral values" - Mikey H

Last few episodes were among my favorite of the season.

I also found the characters' quirks unnecessary and weird. Like the poisoner's assistant who is always eating. I don't know, it just seemed too unnatural (writing-wise) the way he kept mentioning it.

Hannibal once I finish Season 2 (probably won't be til next week).

I don't know if I'll ever go back to that game. Loved the central hub, but so many of the tasks seemed tedious.

My broken ankle is healing pretty well (I think). I was able to start driving again by wearing a regular winter boot—still wearing the walking boot for another two weeks til my check up (and cause it's still kind of sore when I walk without it)

Yeah which is funny since I love the idea of Best Served Cold but thought the execution didn't reach its full potential. Heroes is definitely my favorite too.