
Vidyagame Thread

I might try to reread The Third Law trilogy along with the three spin-offs. I remember enjoying the spin-offs more than the actual trilogy.

Mike Huckabee defended the Duggars and made comments the other day about wishing he could transition into a woman so he could use the girl's locker room. Never change, Mike.

Feel better. I have a broken ankle and have been catching up on Hannibal, China IL, and working my way through Final Fantasy X

Just watch the Sophie B Hawkins episode in Season 4. That one felt like classic Community.

Damn, maybe I should rank 5 higher. I forgot how many episodes I enjoyed.

I started with Season 2 but got most of my friends into it with Season 3 (specifically Remedial Chaos Theory)

Has the tumblr crowd started crying and somehow equating it to homophobia?

Same here. I just finished the second episode of the second season last night. But at least when I finally finish it, I'll have an episode of two of the third season On Demand.

Yeah, that's how I saw it. Plus it's harder for children to act.

Also how did you get into my house

What about the one last season where she felt like a failure among all her old friends?

Well, no, why don't we say 9:30, and then make it your beeswax to be here by 9:30.
I mean, we'll all be in our late 20s by then. I just don't see any reason why we can't be places on time.

This would be my ranking but I have trouble deciding if I like Season 2 or 3 better.

As much as I enjoyed this season, I hope there's not a seventh season—this was a perfect finale.

I enjoyed this one more than Monday's and was expecting LSP's negligence to cause the Lich to burst through, so I'm glad that didn't happen.

I think LSP has had some great episodes recently, mostly Princess Breakfast and the one where she falls in love with that other lump.

Pajama War is actually the last episode I loved. There have been ones I've enjoyed since then but that's one of my favorite recent ones.

Loved it as a kid.
Hated it freshman year of college when everyone always wanted to watch it.

Probably waiting til week.