
Dance ended right as every plot was about to explode. it's like waiting at the end of Season 1 of Lost to find out what's in the hatch times a hundred.

Lots of non-book-readers are guessing he's going to betray Jon especially after Sam's tough choices speech.

Last two finales could have referenced her too (Mhysa and Children) and the High Septon told Cersei those who repent will get the Mother's mercy, so I'm not getting my hopes up.

I personally doubt it (since everyone is Howland Reed according to the different theories) and just think he's smart in gaining and retaining power.

I love the Brady Bunch movie.

Frankie's fantastic.

What other (in)famous episodes did they do?

I really hope that if Brienne and Pod help Sansa escape, Sansa mentions Pod's uncle(?) Ilyn. (Though I forget if she mentioned something like that when she was married to Tyrion)

No matter what happens to Ramsay, it won't be satisfying. We need a full season of what he did to Theon happen to him.

They are probably keeping some people there as hostages/wards to further gain the cooperation of the other Northern Houses There was a scene early in this season where Stannis and Davos get letters from different Northern houses, something like: "Bear Island knows no king but the King in the North, whose name is STARK"

He's just misunderstood. I can change him!

I loved how giant she looked looming over Theon and having him cower in her presence.

Osha and Bronn need to hook up.

I can't see Tommen surviving next season.

The Land of Always Smarch

So glad Seth is back on today's "Womp It Up".

Ah, that's right.

Pretty much this. And they came out of nowhere. It would have been nice last season to have a few throwaway lines like the peasants are banding together.

Seeing as how the High Septon told Cersei that those that confess/repent will get the Mother's mercy, I'm not getting my hopes up. Plus every finale since Season 3 could have referred to LSH. Next year's will probably be titled "Stoneheart" and not feature her.

Syrio is Wun Wun confirmed.