
I think the Night's King was toying with them. Same reason the White Walker let Sam live back at the end of Season 2. "Fear my power, etc."

Spot on.

Seriously. The show opens with ice zombies.

I had the same thought until I remembered that they air Hannibal.

I wasn't a fan of Harrington at the beginning of the series but I am loving all of his scenes now.

I never really cared for Sam/Gilly (though I prefer show-Sam to book-Sam since book-Sam is too cartoonishly cowardly) but I have been enjoying their scenes this season.

"Why did you let them go?"
"I think I knew that guy's mother."

I was going to say it would be a nice parallel to Jaime/Aerys, but Jaime did what was good for the realm whereas Olly just wants vengeance.

Speaking of badass women, I really hope Osha reappears soon.

Didn't one of those guys walk through the fire unharmed?

What color suit?

Yeah I was pretty disappointed with her casting.

What time?

Jon's scenes during the early seasons were probably my least favorite—I love everything in the North but thought Harrington wasn't right for the role.

I was into this until you said they'll bond. I like their antagonistic relationship.

People really should look up what filler means.

Coldhands will be the one to help Sansa escape. Get hype!

Once she gave her "I'm only two weeks away from retirem—" I mean "I'll be right behind you" speech I knew she was a goner.

Why put all his cards on the table? He was able to gain her trust without having to show his full usefulness.

This is why Westeros can't have nice things.