

Sounds like you're the uninformed one.

I really enjoyed this episode but that could be because I watched it with one book reader, two show-watchers, one person who stopped watching after Season 3, and one who had never seen the show before.

I'm still upset that we don't have Freys dying in the background. I don't care that LSH isn't in this but I do think it's ridiculous how the Freys have yet to suffer for what they did. There was a a tiny shred of hope when Sansa first went back to Winterfell and we got "The North remembers." But that lady is dead and

Imagine if the show stopped to take a break to catch up to GRRM like he wanted. Arya would be 30+

Oracle/Nightwing is also solid.

Great job indeed.

You must have missed the part where ice king said he was going to freeze everything.

Thanks! I'm able to walk on it with the boot and no crutches so it's not too bad.

Those cutscenes will allow me to make lunch and clean. Multitasking!

…yeah. Let's go with that.

Four day weekend and a broken ankle means I've got lots of downtime when I'm not with the gf or friends. Probably going to restart FFX HD today. And Smash. Always Smash.

Gloria will be the one to scare her away next season, yeah?

I do agree that I loved all the gags with Phil in this episode. When he was talking to (I think) Andy and rolled around the table to get closer made me laugh. And of course his dumb dad humor when Haley grabbed the stand ("I can't breathe!")

Especially not on GoT since they cut the Greyjoys *hyuck hyuck*

Now, if only Pen Ward can save his own show from adults who think it caters solely to them

I preferred Green Lantern Corps. Very fun book that focuses on different members. Johns' run was great for the mythology but Hal Jordan is one of the dullest characters in existence.

I absolutely hate the expression "with/in the feeeeeeeeeeeeelz" but yeah I agree with your post. It was actually pretty touching seeing everyone being nice to Alex and not having her be the Meg yet again.

White guys have sex like thiiiiis. Mitch and Cam sleep in separate beds in separate rooms.

That's very true. One of my closest friends felt more comfortable coming out to us after he got us into Happy Endings. (Since Max was everyone's favorite)