
Aww. That blows. I've broken it twice before (happens every two years or so). Really hoping I won't need surgery since the doctor told me I can just use the boot when it feels comfortable to walk. Taking it slow since I don't want to fuck it up anymore.

Pfft the Beatles were a rip off of the 16th century Tavern Squires

I'm grateful for The Flash being fun and more enjoyable than Arrow this year. Also thankful for my friends and family who have been helping me with my broken ankle. And for the injury not being too serious.

My dad started a garden a few weeks ago and it's coming along very nicely. He set up a fence around it to keep out the wildlife (and his dog loves looking out the window and barking at all the animals)

As much as I like cudi, I'm bummed she's not taking over reggie's role on cbb (since it fits with continuity!!)

Broke my ankle last week. While this sounds bad I've been looking at the positives: friends and family have been helping me out, work has been very accommodating, friends delivering weed to me, I don't need a cast (just a boot and I was able to ditch the crutches), good excuse to not go to events I don't want to, two

I bet his mother was fine with him becoming a dr.

Seriously. Lollys getting gangraped and all the characters making fun of her and Bronn naming the child Tyrion is fuuuucked. Granted she's a very minor character and it happens off screen but still. I'm amazed it took this long for the "wah I'm not watching this show anymore" people to actually stop watching.

Deanny Chung

At least they're not throwing around "bottle episode" anymore.

What's a direwolf?

Yup. I loved Episode 5 despite it being a bit slower. I don't need action, it was engaging.

If I was GRRM I'd stop writing to really stick it to all you entitled "STOP LIVING YOUR LIFE, WRITE FASTER" people.

These are the people who probably agree with GRRM that Feast/Dance could have provided at least 3 seasons worth of material. I'm so glad they're cutting and combining even if some of my favorites most likely won't appear (Manderly :( )

Same with Pia but I'm guessing people don't remember poor Pia because she's an incredibly minor character.

I want to like the Dorne storyline but I'm finding it hard to. It also doesn't help that I feel like Jaime is one of the very few characters whose portrayal isn't "right" (along with Loras which is funny since he's supposed to be a Jaime Jr.)

Sure his reputation was tarnished but at least he had a quick, clean death.

Walder Frey is Newt Gingrich.

I hate this theory and I'd rather Cersei and Jaime be secret Targs since there's more evidence there (but still equally stupid).

How is it possible that every time they add a castmember, they're phenomenal.