
Loved the honeybee line.

Way worse in the books but it happens to a minor character (which is messed up since some people brush it aside)

Yeah it's too bad we couldn't get three seasons worth of Feast and Dance like GRRM wanted…

Instant transmission.

Are you one of those students who doesn't want Greek mythology taught?

She hasn't become a player in the books yet though.

I'd upvote you more if I could.

Stopped reading after using the term "feels".

Littlefinger reminds me of the Dean from the conspiracy episode of Community. "If you agree to conspire with everyone, you're not really conspiring. You're just doing random crap."

I watched a ton of Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt this weekend for the first time and really hope Sansa kept counting to ten.

I've heard that same exact explanation from a girl I used to work with in regards to another girl joining the startup.

I tuned in for the Rick and Morty gag and I stayed for… Scratch that. I only watched the gag and can't wait for that to be back!

Ron Swanson 2.0 or Michael Scott 2.0

Not sure if I'll continue with this show next season but enjoyed this finale way more than last season's.

I started losing interest in this show last season (I think I've missed a few this season and the few I did see were nothing special besides the chinchilla episode) but damn, Hawk and Chick was fantastic. Will need to catch up on the 930 one tomorrow though I need something to cheer me up after game of thrones.

Pretty disappointing episode though I did like Reggie being part of the main story. Really excited for Middleditch and Lapkus next week. Middleditch has killed it on all his podcast appearances and Lapkus is a national treasure.

He's also right cause dragons DO rule.

What's a Brick and Wildcat?

I broke my ankle yesterday and it swelled up four times its size and even that sight wasn't as nauseating as Olicity. I am excited to see Thea and Laurel next season (never thought I'd say that) and I can't believe Merlyn is alive. He's like Ben Linus except not as interesting.

No lie they recently shrunk Slade's hands in an Convergence Atom issue.