
No joke but Barry's identity will probably become public in a future season which will show the contrast between how he and Ollie operate. The Flash is a people-person hero.

Captain Cold knows how to effectively use the weapons though. Just having a cold gun doesn't mean the person will know how to use it. You could say all you have to do is point and shoot, but I could see Cisco and Caitlin doing more harm than good with it.


The kept awkwardly cutting to her saying "RONNIE!"

I'm hoping for a "No. Drugs. I need you to stay sharp. I can give you a bloody nose the old fashioned way. Etc." speech.

Zatanna and the Zataras.

I loved both this episode and the bee episode.

I'm waiting for Eddie to start antagonizing Barry.

Barry will free his real dad so he'll no longer need Joe. Sorry, dude.

That's why they called it Rogue Air…

Cisco: Before you kill me, can you tell me when Winds of Winter will be released?
Eobard: We're still waiting for GRRM to finish it actually…

He'd lace Felicity's tissues with chloroform.

In case Barry needed more muscle. Cold did take out that one guy no problem.

They're just going to use a cardboard cutout of Hal which will have more personality than actual Hal.

Were you in charge of Flashpoint so you could get a divorce with BC?

I know nothing about television and CGI budgets but I feel like Green Lantern would need tons of CGI.

Barry and Eddie have more chemistry than Iris and Eddie.

Well his dad was an abusive dbag.

Welcome to comic book logic where Batman and Wolverine can be in over five comics per month, one which takes place in space!