
He took her probably.

Personally I love the cheesiness of Cold and Glider. I did groan every time they flashed to Cait saying "Ronnie!" First time it made sense. Second time was dumb.

I was getting a Krillin/Android 18 vibe from Cisco and Lisa(?). I know she was playing him but I did like their scenes together.

Favorite episode of the season for me.

I know they reference Ned in the second book but I'd find it funny opening the first one and wondering "why the hell does this Ned character have all these chapters?"

The best is still Tywin dying on Father's Day.

That would make more sense. Maybe he becomes a eunuch since Stannis wouldn't approve of brothels.

And yet he's still alive in the show despite Mel listing his name with her leech magic.

Plus his appearance as a muscular warrior in his prime would inspire others to follow.

At least in the books he acts with discretion. "A quiet land/people, etc."

Just in time for them to introduce the Greyjoys next season.

King's blood is king's blood is king's blood.

I'm hoping something like that happens but Stannis will still have his justice for Littlefinger siding with his enemies. "Well done. …Now give me your hand."

I read somewhere that the actor who plays Gendry originally tried out for Jon but I never bothered to look up if that was true.

Slowly working my way through JSA. Read the one issue where Per Degaton is creeping on the team and watching them be sad and mopey. Then finished the 3-part Spectre storyline. Really like how Courtney was more mad at Captain Marvel and not Jay for throwing away their relationship and not telling the team the truth

Yup. He's a stickler for the rules.

Yup. Though if you read Feast and Dance side-by-side (with the Boiled Leather reading order), I'm pretty sure a Cersei chapter follows with people bringing her dwarf heads.

Filler: Stannis leaving the Wall, Dany agreeing to open the fighting pits, Jon negotiating with Tormund, Jorah getting greyscale and shipwrecked, Sansa and Reek interacting. Just because it was slow doesn't mean it's filler.

The only way I see it working without luck is that Littlefinger has men planted within Winterfell.

One of the first series I read was Johns' JSA run up to Savage Times. Captain Marvel and Black Adam became instant favorites.