
I'm convinced their meetings are like focus groups in the Poochie episode of The Simpsons.

It's a shame since I love how he wrote Captain Marvel in JSA.

Add JSA: Stealing Thunder, JSA: Savage Times, JSA: Princes of Darkness, and JSA: Black Reign to it. Great focus on both Captain Marvel and Billy, and shows he's not just some innocent boy scout.

As much as I complain that nothing ever changes in comics, Captain Marvel/Shazam is the one thing I don't want to change. I find the lightheartedness refreshing where everything else is dark or grim.

Knock it off, Osha.

The tensions among the Night's Watch will rise so Jon could send Gilly aware for her safety since after all she is Craster's daughter-wife.

I thought all three of them were Ramsay's lovers at first.

Nah, just a visiting McPoyle.

I know we don't know how the Marg thing ends in the books, but couldn't the accusations against Cersei be in response to what she did to Loras? We've also seen the beginning of the North "remembering".

I read the first part of the sentence in Superintendent Chalmers' voice.

I need DC to collect it in an affordable way. I'm still bummed they scrapped the Showcase edition.

The only good thing about Gotham Underground was that Captain Cold knockoff getting the weapons. Though the payoff to that happened in Final Crisis: Rogue's Revenge.

I really want to start seeing him in more things besides Silicon Valley. I know he was in an episode of You're The Worst.

I'm willing to stick with this since I love the comedians/characters. By the way, Parham was on Veep last night and she was the wooooooorst (in the best way).

You sound jealous that you don't write for this site.

I loved Oberyn and thought his portrayal was even better than the books. I'm also a bit bummed that Ellaria isn't a pacifist—we have enough war hungry people, it would be refreshing to see someone who says that war won't lead to justice.

Pretty obvious with his "I'm a secret Targ and all I got was this lousy t-shirt" shirt

Seeing as how Sansa's the one who took after Catelyn most, I can see her not thinking of Jon as her brother.

I was trying to remember if it was someone we've seen before but I think it was just some guy.

Same with the character beats. I still love the cast but I'm not sure if I'm going to stick with it next season—most of the jokes you can see coming.