I like 'em, but they're not really a trio. It's Rik Emmett and two other guys.
I like 'em, but they're not really a trio. It's Rik Emmett and two other guys.
Me either. But their other home base is NOLA. Best not say anything about th' Easy.
Couldn't tell you about why they may not do benefits, but they have walked way back on the Randroid thing in the many years since 2112.
Last time I saw them was about 8 years ago in a tiny dive in Spring, TX. The place must have had a fire capacity of 200 persons or less, and there were no more than 75 in the room. While it was nice to stand on a chair 30 feet from the stage, and the music and sound were fine, it did seem a little surreal. At least…
I suppose I could mention that their first album was the highest-selling debut by a group, so I'm not alone. Or say something about Felix being as versatile as Geddy without the screeching voice. And I might ask what you have against a cancer survivor like Guy. But essentially:
De gustibus non disputandum est.
But I…
After the brouhaha at Salon last week, I'm a bit surprised there's no mention of Rush.
I have absolutely no taste in music, which is why I still dig Triumph, Zebra, and ELP. I still think quartets and quintets are preferred, especially if vocalist doesn't play an instrument. Three pieces just don't make enough…
Two and a Half Millennia
How many stories, in how many eras, in how many timelines, could Lazarus Long tell?
I was so disappointed when The Jim Henson Hour was cancelled. And surprised. How could an updated Muppet Show be anything but a hit?
If Alan-a-Dale sang it, it would be called "The Ballad of Robin Hood, Dashing Philanthropic Bandit, and the Wooing of the Fair Marian, Captived Maiden of Nottinghamshire."
Time to resurrect this one:
Well, she was in Dr. Horrible. Incognito and silent, but there.
The first time I saw them, I guess the Blue Jays were doing pretty well in their batball tournament, so Geddy changed some lyrics to "One likes to believe in the freedom of baseball."
"Show Don't Tell" makes me sad. Not because it's a sad song, but because it proves how lame and apathetic Dallas concert audiences are. It's a song that practically screams, "Get on your feet and yell! SHOW how much you like us, instead of cheering at the end." And they inevitably don't.
Most animated Dallas…
From the last-twenty-years period, give Magnification a try. "In the Presence of…" is their best work since GFTO.
Most emotional response to a Rush song? For me it's "Countdown." Most times it actually brings tears.
How's that for dork?
Being in the RRHoF proves that they're NOT prog.
I loved Saturday morning kid sci-fi , especially the troika of shows that used the same sets/props. I speak, of course of Ark II, Jason of Star Command, and Space Academy. Ark II was post-apocalypse world saving, using the same jetpack footage week after week (Firefox auto-spellcheck doesn't recognize jetpack? Oh…
I was working for a drug manufacturing company for only a few days when one of my new coworkers riffed on my first name thusly:
"Tim! Tim Benzedrine!"
When I responded with "Hash! Boo! Valvoline!" we both knew we had met a very good friend.