
Never saw the video before.  Melissa Leo!

That's the song I came here to see on the list.  My favorite Joel tune.

I don't claim either.  But I do remember forty years of "science" produced by by privately funded think tanks that proved beyond doubt that nicotine is not addictive, and Chesterfield is the cigarette preferred by doctors.
www.barnettshalenews.com is obviously such a shill site.  If it were in the least objective,

That is indeed a fracking site, and the page refers to a single instance of deceptive video.  Hardly impartial, and hardly sufficient to support the claim that flammable water has been completely debunked.
Parker County judges, like all Texas judges, are elected, not appointed.  You don't think they could be bought by

Haven't seen the film, just the media blitz by the filmmaker.  But I do believe that the earthquakes are caused by fracking.  I just don't think there's anything to be worried about on that score.  Certainly not in contrast to the ground AND air pollution the process generates.  Not even along the fault lines.

Hard to believe that the casings don't crack in the earthquakes caused by the very process itself.

If this film is to be believed, leaked methane is far more destructive to the atmosphere than carbon dioxide, around 150 times worse as a greenhouse gas.  Natural gas is touted as the clean alternative to burning coal for electrical plants, but only if there is less than 1% leakage.  The filmmaker says that 7 to 17%

As a survivor of the current crop of NTX/OK earthquakes, very possibly induced by fracking,  the least worrisome issue around shale fracturing is the seismic activity.  Although it may be unsettling (wordplay!), no amount of human intervention in the Earth's crust can come close to tectonic plate shifting.  Little

Citation, please.

I still smile recalling when I came up with ZODlAC MOTHERFUCKER and teased him.  How clever I was. It doesn't look like much, unless you invert the caps lock: zodLac motherfucker.

Making movies, on location

Hey!  Look over there!

Mark Zuckerberg had a great relationship with his dedicated Linux server running Apache 2.0.

But you can trademark. Ask the producers of "This Is the End" about that.
Every iteration of "apocalypse" was already taken.

What does he stab him with?

And the producers of Sports Night (the show within the show) should know this in advance and have filler packages ready for air.

He's a former pro athlete, so 1) public semi-nudity isn't unusual for him (think of what locker rooms are like), 2) he stays in great shape because that's what he's always done since he was a boy, and 3) like any chef, he's egomaniacal enough to think that people want to see him take off his shirt.

I guess I found it most odd that they don't seem to own calendars, or at least don't read the ones they have.  Couldn't anyone on staff have looked at it two weeks in advance and started preparing some "fluff" stories to fill time on a day that had little new news to report?

Jed and Abby Bartlett had a pretty good relationship, I thought.  They had their scrapes, but always treated one another with respect.

$16.89?  Seems a little low.