
You're a jerk, Dent. A real kneebiter.

Stoltz would have sucked, but Falk as Doc Brown? Sorry, that's gold. In fact, it's so money that Zemeckis may have saved the American economy from collapse.

Watched "How I Got Into College" for the first time in some years the other day (it still holds up).
He plays a put-upon everyman dad in that one. Really stretching those chops.

Maybe Used Cars (gawd, I love that one), but definitely The Good Guys.

I also have a fear of rectangles. Is that weird?

You know what I always say about women.

I always loved "Conundrum" for the depiction of 24th-and-half century Starfleet officers, especially Picard, using calm logic to solve problems.

Yeah, I still have the Sports Night DVD's in heavy rotation. Never can get past the idea that my Natalie may have been….

In Soviet Union jokes AWW WHO GIVES A SHIT.

5) Rob Riggle
4) Sam Bee
3) Steve Carell
2) A. Whitney Brown
1) Stephen Colbert, of course.

What about Firefly?

Big Trouble
This underrated gem was a victim of the 9/11 tragedy; no one wanted a comedy right about then. Jason Lee played a hippie named Puggy with a thing for Fritos. His fighting style when confronted by Tom Sizemore and Johnny Knoxville was inspired by Buster Bluth. It gets worse for the filmmakers because

I was a teen in the 80's, so I'm the target demo we're referring to here, but somehow I missed The Goonies. Then one of my well-meaning friends decided, like the clueless newbie, to "remedy" this near fatal injustice. I'm sure at age 11 it would have been awesome, but in my late 30's, well….

Swibble, I wore that same costume that year. Took a yellow polo shirt and dyed the collar blue, had a 2 put on the back, then proceeded to rend said garment, applying fake bullet holes-and-blood liberally to shirt and skin, and got druuuuuunk. The party was at the jedstead that year, and what a pisser it was.

Slow Teevee Summer
Since this is the second week in a row that you've mentioned that we're really only reviewing this show cuz there's nothin' else on, I ask if you've considered covering Leverage? There's a fun show with a terrific cast, well-drawn characters, and a Robin Hood Con of the Week.
I love cons and heists.

I'll never forget
I'm a soccer fan, so the opening of the first World Cup in the U.S. was spoiled by footage of a truck.

Had a blast in Denton too, in spite of AND because of all the tech gaffes that came up. The power was inadequate and went out twice during their set—once during the space bubble/hamster ball. Coyne made it all okay, though. His banter and positive attitude held it together until the music could take over.

I'll pay your taxes, if you'll stop using anything that tax dollars have made possible, like the internet.

That's "al Qaeda" in Iraq.
This is an example of mislabeling our enemies for the purpose of the war. There may have been anti-U.S. or anti-Zionist (there are ALWAYS anti-Israeli) jihadists in Iraq, but al Qaeda is a name given to any of these groups by western press (and governments), whether affiliated with OBL's

I am always astounded here at the ol' AVC, whenever the subject of Heinlein is brought up, that so many commenters decry his apparent Fascism while ignoring his run for California governor…as a Socialist.