
I understand you're going back to Mizzoula, MONTANA!!!!!


Norm and Barney
It wasn't Lorne Michaels who fired Norm. It was NBC West Coast president Don Ohlmeyer. Remember all those great jokes about Murderer O.J. Simpson? Guess who was and is a golfing buddy of O.J? That's right, NBC West Coast president Don Ohlmeyer.
Barney, Barney, Barney…..Is your mother from Killarney?

There ain't no noun that can't be verbed.

Steve Martin
As is often the case with his stand up, Steve Martin is the exception to the rule. The pre-show featurette to one of Steve's concert shows, "Homage to Steve," was damn funny.
Sample: other well-known performers were asking him his advice, press-conference style. Paul Simon asks him a question about some

God Bless Richard Nixon
God bless Dwight Eisenhower.
You ever heard of a whiffle, Crybaby?
God bless Roy Cohn….

They changed the name of the gorge
Mmmmmary Steeeeenburgen.
Two words from her second feature film, "Time After Time": Free Love

Geez, do they have anything better to do than categorize TV? At least all the appellations in the wine biz can be an indicator of quality. For TV it seems "remove head from shoulders, park butt on couch" would do just fine.

Best show on Mtv?

Since when does the FCC regulate anything on cable? I thought they were limited to broadcast TV/radio.

I'm just going to smugly mention here that these boys are from my home town. I think/hope that they'll get bigger than either of our other major musical exports, Bowling for Soup and Brave Combo.
Bowling for Soup may suck a few balls, but Brave Combo command you to dance!

Pennies for Astaire
Not familiar with this dancing you speak of. I thought he was most well known for that great two-part Battlestar Galctica when he posed as Starbuck's dad.

Erotic photo hunt
Photo cunt.

durn faulty memory
Yeah born 1962, sorry. And it's "R2-D2 Wish You A Merry Christmas"

Now which way to the welfare office?
How could I charge full price to the man whose lust for pornographic magazines kept me in business for that shaky first year. By the way, I just received this month's issue of Gigantic Asses.

Star Wars Christmas
lexicondevil wrote:
"If I've never mentioned it before, I own a Star Wars Christmas Record that is totally unrelated to the TV special, but just as misguided. It's basically Anthony Daniels, some sound effects representing R2D2 and Chewbacca, and a bunch of session musicians. My favorite track is

"Hottie Wife"
Marcia Strassman also appeared in the first season of M*A*S*H as Nurse Cutler, one of early-womanizer Hawkeye's harem.

Farewell amen
Incidentally, though I grew up on this series (and a lot of it still holds up), the finale remains the only episode I've never seen. Hello Netflix!

Who wrote those good early eps?
Am I in the wrong AV Club? Isn't this the group that knows EVERYTHING about pop culture (and hates a good deal of it)?
How is it possible that posters here compare the early vs. late episodes without mention of arguably the best gag man ever? "Developed for television by" credit in the

Credit Chris Ferguson
with this joke:
What's the difference between a professional poker player and a large cheese pizza?
A cheese pizza can easily feed a family of four.