Pepe Sylvia

Dude, I heard public school means private school over there, for some logic-raping reason.

wtf is Milwaukee Airport lol

@avclub-6e3b2cb658a36cff9d66c3371c46c4a6:disqus  I have no clue what your comment means, not even a little bit

@Merve2:disqus  He was pretty funny in that episode of Malcolm in the Middle!

It's ok, most poeple's first time was that one car commercial they did with we've been had in it. I know it was mine.

i have always lusted after every member of sleater-kinney, but it 'twas in vain, as they are all at least 15 years older than me, and also lesbians. so they're not all lesbians? Thats one hurdle surmounted!

I have not seen royal pains, ever, even a little bit, but i am  curious to learn why this invalidates the argument.

That made me swallow my beer that weird way that makes it hurt going all the way down. what happens there to do that? what do you call that?

I am soooooooooooooooooooooo glad i got bored with that show in episode 4 that i stopped watching. and that is a rare feat for me. I'm still sticking it out with the office, AHS, walking dead, and Hell on Wheels, despite the negative consequences.

They don't like that show round these parts. I would wager its because its pop culture references skew nearly exclusively to those born between the years 1985-1990. Those people are also very familiar with the drinking culture of people that age. It's still not a great show, worthwhile i would argue, but what are you

In fact, the above statement applies almost exclusively to 2 broke girls reviews. the exception that proves the rule, as it were.

we can blame only the time slot for these miscarriages of justice.

I've only seen the episode where they go to like a suicide tourism town, and all of the crew accuse each other of murder? i think? anyway, it was really good. I, as the presumed target audience, blame only myself for not watching.

I would have liked "I Lost You" personally. Other people like that song, right? The last like minute and a half of that song is just a pure eargasm for me.

I hope that japanese translation has many references to the absence of Ron Swanson-san's magical radio, leading to his surliness.

with two nominations between you and apparently me, you just might run away with this thing 2-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1

@avclub-eb573591cef285c12701571987b08381:disqus If thats the way your want to play it, fine, but don't come crying to me when Internal Affairs crawls so far up your ass they use your intestines like a goddamned Chuck E. Cheese!

edit that sark into snark, posthaste, sheriff, or I'll have your badge for this!

@avclub-2bc89f96d5af36cd7c598b934297491f:disqus  I feel kind of bad now. just trying to find a specific enough category to stand out in among the literally dozens of users and immediately countered with multiple suggestions of merit. don't we all just want some other commenter to remember that pithy name and shrewd

My first instinct was margot martindale in Justified. And please. Betty totally has the universally beloved everyman quality emblematic of hanks