Pepe Sylvia

Best Commenter: Gherkins the manservant
Worst Commenter: anyone who had the opportunity to like one of my comments and passed
Best Gimmick: Leslie Knope Headlines
Worst gimmick: Vaudevillain, a gimmick account i created to make exclusively "Ringer? I hardly know her!" jokes. It was banned for some reason.
best meme: got

I prefer JP Mcpickleshitter for that particular category

Leslie knope headlines destroys all gimmick commenters.

30 rocks lull was season 4, it returned to stellar form in the 5th go around.

Colin Hanks for worst Tom Hanks? Please. Worst Tom Hanks was obviously  Holt McCallany as Patrick "Lights" Leary in the FX series "Lights Out" in a staggeringly un-Tom Hanks like performance.

Oh absolutely. and he doesn't even tell her! It's the most blase treatment of incest I have ever seen, which makes it much funnier, for my money.

I really liked the incest in Bored to Death. "Oh, we're related? I don't see how that should get in the way of us fucking."


Should I be ashamed that I learned about Il's death from clicking the "30 rock news update" on my AV club feed?

I was wondering how you were following me.

I can't remember being more dissapointed after seeing a movie than i was after The Descendents. After Payne's critical and commercial hit of his career, he waits SEVEN FUCKING YEARS and this is what I get? I love that dudes work. but man, was that movie like a dry handjob.

pajamas, like any god fearing american would.

Does anyone else's brain scream "LIMEY" when they see "pyjamas" or "colour" or "biscuit?"

It's Surfwise and Rise of the Planet of the Apes. I think you heard the last one.

well fuck. now i gotta go see that elmo movie

the trees are infinitely more amazing than the forrest, don't pull back too far.

30 rock last year. when Avery Jessup was pregnant.

oh come now. you're not supposed to hate darryl

I do that with seinfeld. I ask myself, "How many plotlines would be ruined by cellphones?" Answer: nearly all of them.

But he looks like a dick in that tiny jacket.