
That's why I mentioned that they've never had qualms about the subject before. It didn't feel like a natural part of Older Ted's self-censorship, it felt like something the writers did to appease a focus group… which is exactly the approach to comedy that makes 98% of sitcoms crappy.

Penis… vagina
Barney's best as a garnish, I agree… but I also think they should've had some padding between this episode and "Slapsgiving," because both of them had a heavy dose of Barney's confident facade coming apart at the seams. It got to be a bit too much, I miss Awesome Barney.

The show really hasn't conclusively laid the groundwork for the heredity of powers, but Parkman and the nightmare man show that it's at least a factor, so here's some speculation:

"Director David Slade, who cut his teeth…"

I see three options…
…with enough dramatic punch to satisfy the buildup: