
Yeah, that and letting them just hang out like regular friends (Like ToWT Football!, or TOWT play poker.) The earliest upcoming episode of that variety would probably be 'The one with the Blackout,' which I love.

I have the official Comic Adaptation, and joker says THAT mortal in it, so I'd say it's pretty much confirmed to be That mortal, and not Batmortal.

I saw a lot of Lily, no Robin, and that left me totally confused. A robin doppelganger would have made sense, though have been a thematically terrible idea. But Lily? huh?

If you're looking for a Superman fix, I'd suggest checking out Adventures of Superman, the new digital first, out of continuity, superman in all his red undies glory, series. The first issue this week was fun, simple and gorgeous, and the line up of upcoming creators is impressive.

Good God, this week is going to kill my wallet, they need to spread out the good comics more.
Saga, Conan, Daredevil, Fables, Wonder Woman (the last panel was awesome), JL, JLA, Hulk, Avengers, New Avengers, All new Xmen, and UC Spider man!!

Injustice was good initially, but ever since they started giving any focus to Wonder Woman, I can't get over the completely weird portrayal of her. She basically being shown as a violent tyrant who teaches Superman how to be one. She gets asked questions about "will she lay in his bed" by saying she'll be whatever

@avclub-56792f930986581ccd9ec2e898a15e05:disqus I can see where you're coming from, but this is a character who sang a Duet of a Bonnie Tyler song recently, and a show that did stuff like Kenny Loggins and Paula Abdul… I'm not sure how Wham or Spice girls can be more embarrassing than those.

What I don't get is the guilty part. This is a group of students who worships Divas and has done Britney theme twice (and considered it empowering…) They love pop music, pop culture and fluff, and sing it often, so I'm not sure why Spice girls or Wham/George Michaels would be something to be ashamed off. Its no

Yeah misplaced all sorts of great. I absolutely loved Season 1 Billy batson and his desire to be with the cool kids!

Shape shifter! We can finally have our Triple Dobrev! Or does dead and resurrected not count?

I like how Cap and Iron Man are right up front behind Wolverine and Spidey, but Thor is hidden between Elektra and Colossus!

I also burst an ear drum with a Q-tip. But that was when I was 4, and it wasn't as much OCD cleaning as it was curiosity and the challenge of fitting a q-tip into my tiny 4 year old ears.

And then insist on having him, and your entire student choir group, present for every romantic moment during your courtship. Seriously, proposing and serenading are not group activities, Will!

You're pretty much reading my mind about the 80's song choices, and the 2 minute music video tacked onto the ending. Compare this ending to the episode where they get the musical finale out of the way first and then end on the dramatic note of Santana slapping Finn…

Love and Capes.
Its nothing ambitious or brilliant, but its low key fun that puts the biggest smile on my face in a month.http://www.loveandcapes.com/

I think I'd reserve judgment on Wonder Woman till it's done. Its very similar to Hickman's FF run, in that its a single tightly plotted story with an expansive cast. We're still in the World building stage for now, so it really could go anywhere.

Fear Itself was indeed pointless and boring, but atleast it wasn't AvX. I'd prefer having people like Fraction get too much responsibility and churn out pointless crossovers that I can ignore completely, in which the plot was boring but the characters were atleast recognizable, rather than stuff like AvX where the

This is where I mourn the death of Professor John Troughton. He was a cynic and a romantic, a love-sick puppy yet still bad-ass, he was handsome as fuck (at least while Sorrentino drew him),   and he was quite possibly the best written gay unrequited love story I've read in comics.

If you don't know who the FF kids are, you really should read Hickman's FF/Fantastic Four run. Its a brilliantly plotted epic, and the perfect kind of Fantastic Four story.
Also, the FF kids are simply the funnest new concept out of Marvel in ages. They even managed to make me enjoy Octo-Spidey in this weeks Avenging