Agent 000

If the director doesn't have to be American, the list should be called "Best Directors of American Film, A to Z". I mean, I love Chaplin, but his appearance here doesn't quite seem right. Partly due to his Britishness, partly due to him both directing and acting in his movies. I guess I just wanted to see Coppola on

Woah, Kari Wuhrer skirt-hiking. 16-year old me would have thought that was awesome.

What's with all of the theme episodes this season?

I agree- I really liked it when I was playing it, even. It was just afterwards when I looked at the beta footage when I started feeling that something was wrong. The beta seemed so dynamic, which would be a radical departure from the other bioshock games. It seems like the game was made more cinematic and controlled,

I actually did like that part the most-
You go to a city shaped by the ideals of your older "self"
You're sent on a mission to rescue your powerful daughter.
Pretty cool how it's like both 1 and 2 that way. I like that a lot.

I agree, really- BioShock 1 being one of the worst examples.

How I Met Your Mother could work as a prequel to Full House.

I actually found Infinite to be really disappointing. It's really nothing like the old footage they showed for it- there's even less choice than in BioShock 1.

I don't care that you don't care that I don't care about the super bowl!
So, there!

I have mixed feelings about this. I heard some neat stuff about 3d video games, and having that capability is impressive. Of course, 3d has always given me headaches and often feels like a gimmick.

I dunno, guys. I thought season 4 was lurking just under the quality of the others until this episode, which was when I realized just how far the show had fallen.

She really made blue sparks fly, if you catch my… drift.

Not Troll 2! anything but that!

Finally, a show made for Real American Folks….. WAIT WHY ISNT JESUS WHITE LIKE HE SHOULD BE??!?!?!

I can't wait for the Christmas DLC for MoaS (2013, not to be confused with the original) where you can chase/eat tinsel. I hear if you eat enough, you get surgery and an achievement.

I watched so many Godzilla movies as a kid. I thought I had something insightful to add, but no, just nostalgia.

As a person named Brian, I understand the fuss.

I live in Eden Prairie and I can't find anything out about where it was filmed and whatnot. I'll have to look at the documentary for sure.

I think the tone difference with the credits is intentional. The credits try to be sexy while avoiding the actual mechanics and realities of sex, which is exactly the opposite of the point of the study.

Hey, I'm trying to sign up for Obamacare. This is that website, right?