Robbo the Yobbo

There have been several comments about British teeth and I'm on record that they're great in all their strangeness. Bowie's (original) teeth…come on!

Ah, the "Trump at a photo op with someone he doesn't give a shit about (or actively dislikes)" scene.

Surprised to read hundreds of the comments and find no mention of Judge Judy. The woman has a stiff quota of trailer trash to berate for their poor life choices and damned if she's not gonna make. that. quota. every. damned. episode.

The second verse of Bowie's "Heroes":

The show spends way too much time on the money problems of a couple who are "relatively poor" because they clearly don't prioritize work. I'd love to amble about sunny socal in flip-flops every weekday like Nate, but if I did that I would be evicted. I'm willing to suspend disbelief that the couple can raise a family…

At my matinee showing of Oblivion, sitting in the back row, I was presented with a choice: Watch this overlong yawner of a flick that wasn't even visually all that interesting, or turn my head a bit to my right and watch the teen couple at the end of the row boinking with abandon.