
Assuming you aren't joking (I'm tired and bad at this) I dunno what that would fix.

"There’s no way to be any other way but disapproving about that issue and what happened. But at the same time, we’re filmmakers talking about a filmmaker’s style."

I've always been puzzled by people my age's love of this dude paired with their bewilderment of how he could make a show like this. The show felt perfectly in line with his stand up to me.

I don't hate to be the guy who points out that many of these are not POV shots.

Did she sing the dirty parts?

I love Kanye and like to think that he's a sort of bizzarre performance artist in public - kinda like Shia LaBeoff, but effective - but even I can't pretend the Bound 2 video has "arresting imagery"

It's weird that Kanye refusing to smile is basically a meme when he will forever be ingrained in MY head as "the smiley rapper who wears pink and doesn't like homophobia" from my college days.

I not only disagree, but am both confused how one would possibly reach that conclusion OR how it would qualitiatively be an absolute positive or negative in art on way or the other, BUT it's the internet so whatever. We ain't gonna get to the bottom of it and you're probably right.


For whatever it is worth I remember it the same way as Bass_Ackwards

I mean… Inglorious Basterds is a movie at least partially about cinema and how it's defined our relationship to WWII. It's basically a cartoon sized "American Movie Star" entering World War II and helping to kill Hitler literally with movies in a movie theater. Literally history is changed through cinema. The murdered

Ummm…. I mean, what is "real" emotion though?
Because I would argue that there are certain emotions his movies reflect better than almost ANY director.

I like all of those versions better on their own, but as a whole they are essentially the same song IMO.

Totally. It covers the spectrum of feelings you feel when you are in a troubled relationship.

The greatest Elvis Costello lyric Dylan ever wrote.

Lily rosemary and the Jack of Hearts is great! I love how it's a fun story song on it's face, but all of the characters have a sad shadow behind them. It's very filmic.

"I was able to move in their social circle because of my tendency to quote House Party and I'm Gonna Git You Sucka."

I have the same thing


I'm glad Trump has you to defend him against jokes made by J.P. McPickleshitter /politics